What is our goal?Our goal is to create a platformthat gives small Instagram users’ the opportunityto get more followers, likes and views.
How does GetPic’d work?
After logging into our website you’ll see different pictures being displayed.diese Lassen sich nach Kategorie Sortieren und bieten dem Nutzer so die Möglichkeit,sehr schöne Bilder aus seinem Interessenbereich zu finden.They’re able to be sorted by category that way users’ have the chance to find pictures of their field of interest.Located at the top in the menu there is a item labeled Submit. You’ll be asked to roughly categorize your picture and to choose which language your description is inIf you click on it, the last picture you uploaded will be loaded.In the end to submit your picture just click on submit.
What are we going to do with the submitted pictures?
First we evaluate the submitted picture with our team, then after the evaluationwe will decide if the image will be displayed or not.